Tag Archives: cheap air travel

Now travel across India by air for just Rs 35,000

Chandigarh, Jan 17: One of the biggest Indian air carriers, Air India has launched a traveller centric scheme for the customers who propose to travel often across the country. According to the newly introduced scheme, the carrier has offered a 15 day travel across the country at a low-price of Rs 35,000.

Welcome India

Sources from Air India said that the proposed scheme will be implemented from Apr 30, 2012. The carrier will offer two plans in place to the need of the customers. As per the scheme, a commuter can enjoy 15 days of travel across India in economyclass for just Rs 35,000. However, those customers who want to travel in business class will have to pay Rs 75,000 for 15 days.

Meanwhile, the airline will provide two plans for scheduled planned booking according to the customer’s convenience. Moreover, a travelling pass will be provided to the customers which will help in the booking process under the two schemes.

Furthermore, to get up-to-date information, customers are asked to visit the official website of Air India at Customers can also speak with the customer care associates at the toll free number 18001801407 or at the land-line number 0172-2624941, 2624943 to get detailed information of the scheme.

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Posted by on January 18, 2012 in Travel


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